Four Steps to Spring Feet

Our new Podiatrist Erin has put together four tips to help you step into spring!four steps to spring feet
Spring Foot Tip 1 – Moisturise Now that spring is here, it’s time to start giving your feet some extra care. A regular moisturising routine is a great starting point. Daily application of a moisturiser will aide in keeping your feet nice and soft, as well as decrease the chance of painful splits and cracks from the summer heat. Preferably use a cream with a small amount of urea, or coconut oil if you prefer something more natural. It’s a great opportunity to come and get the hard calloused skin removed to give your feet a better chance to absorb your moisturiser.
Spring Foot Tip 2 – Nail infections Our weather in Melbourne is so unpredictable. It may be raining and freezing in the morning but come the afternoon you find your feet are sweating in your shoes. Or you’ve been using the communal change rooms at the gym or swimming pools and started noticing a change to your nail appearance. If you notice a change in the colour or thickness of your nails, or notice redness, itching or flaking around the nails you may have a nail infection. It’s best to treat these promptly with an appropriate treatment plan. Come into the clinic and our podiatrists can give you specific advice, in particular about our Keryflex nail restoration system.
Spring Foot Tip 3 – Spring clean your shoes We all like to give our house a spring clean this time of year, but have you thought about giving your shoes a spring clean. You’ll probably find a few that are looking a tad worn and ready to be thrown out. Wearing old worn out shoes can significantly increase your risk of an injury. The best way to check the integrity of your runners is to check the mid-sole. Can you bend it in half? If so it’s time to upgrade to a more supportive shoe. Come and see our podiatrists who can guide you in choosing the best shoe for your foot.
Spring Foot Tip 4 – Address old injuries Spring and sunshine are usually enough for most of us to start getting active again and increasing our training and exercise programs. Now is the time to address any old injury’s that may have started to niggle a bit again holding you back. The faster you get the injury sorted out the easier they’ll be to manage and treat, especially as we start to become busier this time of year. We have a range of treatments available at our clinic including shockwave, orthotic therapy and dry needling.
If you relate to any of the above conditions, take advantage of our Spring promotion. Throughout the month of September, any new patients to our clinic will receive a FREE gift pack after your initial assessment valued at $120.
To book in to see us, please call (03) 9480 4935 or you can book online via here
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