Movember, Men’s Health & Podiatry

Movember is an important time of the year in raising awareness of men’s health issues, including prostate and testicular cancer, suicide and men’s health in general.

Many of my patients have shared with me the challenge of getting on top of their overall health, but in particular their foot health in relation to podiatry. It’s an important time of the year to reflect on these things and ask yourself the question “am I doing enough to look after myself?”.

 There are many things you can be doing to ensure you’re keeping up with your foot health and avoiding a situation where things get out of hand.

  • Washing your feet daily. Simply put, ensuring you’re washing your feet daily with soap to prevent the build up of harmful bacteria such as tinea pedis.

  • Daily sock changes. This may seem obvious for most, but it is crucially important to change and adequately wash your socks daily as they absorb lots of moisture from your feet and can create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.

  • Daily foot checks. After showering is the perfect opportunity to do this. Ensure you check underneath your feet and in between your toes to look out for any signs of infection or things that just don’t look right.

  • Cutting your nails properly. For most adults, cutting your nails straight across is the safest way to reduce risk of ingrown toenails. If you do have painful ingrown toenails, please consider seeing your podiatrist as cutting them wrong can be a risk of infection and more pain.

  • Check how your shoe’s are going. There is more to the shoe than the top cover! Every couple of months, take your insoles out of all your shoes and look at the bottom of your shoes. Look out for any holes, rips or strange odours as these may indicate it’s time to get new shoes.

If you’ve been considering seeing a podiatrist I encourage you to make an appointment and get things sorted, most of the time there’s an easier solution than what you think!

Click HERE to book an appointment & have a check up TODAY!

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