Time to Pointe?

Did you know that when a ballerina is on Pointe, their toes carry 10 to 12 times their body weight! Here at Talaria, our Podiatrist Mirella is passionate about helping and educating young ballerinas. Are you a ballerina and ready to go on Pointe? If the answer is yes, continue reading this blog to find out the importance of completing a pre-pointe assessment before going up on Pointe!

Pointe is a beautiful form of art and dance. However, it is not an ordinary movement that the human body was designed to perform. It places a lot of stress on legs and feet, which could ultimately lead to  lower limb injuries.
Some of these injuries may include:
Dancers are also 80% more likely to experience these injuries over the general population. It’s essential to assess if Pointe is correct for you, and more importantly, as Podiatrists, we’re here to make sure your body is healthy and capable enough to carry you out on this exciting journey.
How do you know if you’re ready for Pointe?
There is no correct answer to this question, as this may vary for every dancer. Some strong recommendations include:
  • Speaking to your supervisor/teacher and parents: No one knows you better than your ballet teachers and parents. Firstly, sit them down and have an open conversation about your capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. They know your strengths and weaknesses and will let you know if they believe you’re ready to Pointe!
  • Age: The minimum age we consider a ballerina to go on Pointe is 11- 12 years old, with a solid foundation of a dance background and precisely two years of classical ballet training.
  •  Body stability and alignment: Pointe is not only considering how strong your feet and toes are. As Podiatrists, we check the mobility and range of motion in your hips, legs, ankles, and feet. We ensure that your lower limbs are strong and flexible enough to carry you on your toes!
If you’ve cleared all these points we have discussed, book in with us today for a pre-pointe FREE assessment here at Talaria Podiatry.
What is a pre-pointe assessment?
 A pre-pointe assessment by a Podiatrist looks at the following:
  • Various range of motions through your legs, ankles, and feet
  • Stability and strength in the lower limb
  • Alignment and stability
  • Functional testing of the lower limb
Here at Talaria, we focus on every dancer individually, and once a pre-pointe assessment is completed, we also give great general advice in conjunction with a personalised strengthening program!
We are looking forward to seeing you dance in the clinic!
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