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Getting back into running

Are you ready to start running again?

Maybe you took a break because of winter; a lack of motivation or responsibilities at home demanded your time. Getting back into running can be daunting, especially if you have had a few months off. However, with the right plan and a little bit of patience, you will be pounding the pavement in no time!

If you have only taken a few weeks off, it’s easy to pick up where you left off. But if you have taken several weeks or months off running, it is essential to ease your body back into it to avoid injury and disappointment. If you have taken time off due to an injury, make sure you have fully rehabbed or have a plan in place before embarking back into running. This is something you should discuss with your Podiatrist if lower limb related.

A great way to ease back into running is to sign yourself up for a suitable programme. There are a few available depending on your previous experience. For total beginners, the couch to 5km is a great place to start. It uses minute intervals to prompt you when to run and walk, incrementally working towards running 5km straight. If you have a bit of experience and feel comfortable running without intervals, using Strava or Nike run club is a great tool. These apps have programmes built into them and will tailor the needs to the individual. Make sure to be realistic and allow yourself time to get back to where you were. You can’t cheat time, and your body will let you know in the form of an injury.

Now you have your programme and any injury rehab sorted, it’s time to assess your runners. On average most runners will wear out between 500-750km. The cushioning compresses first, reducing shock absorption and then the heel counter/ mid shank start to give way too compromising support. Make sure you’ve taken the time to analyse whether your shoes need replacing; if unsure, feel free to ask your Podiatrist. If you use Strava or Nike run club, you can log the runs in your specific shoes. This will give you a good indicator of roughly how many kilometres you have done in them.

You might also be looking to maximising your mileage. For more information regarding this topic, check out our blog Maximise Your Mileage.

With spring well underway, now is a great time to get back into your groove. If you require assistance with a running injury or are seeking advice on the right running shoe for you, our experienced and friendly podiatrists are here to help! Our podiatrists can assess your gait with a thorough biomechanical assessment. This includes an assessment of footwear, advice on the type of runner that would be best for your foot type and implementation of orthotics if found needed.

Book an appointment today! And get back into it!

Getting back into running

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