Bunion Treatment Thornbury

Improve the symptoms of bunions for better functionality and comfort.  

Introductions to Bunion Treatment

A bunion, otherwise known as hallux valgus, is a bump on the side of the foot, which is evident at the base of the big toe. This is caused when the bones and soft tissues in the region are misaligned, the joint shifts and the large toe moves towards the second toe. This can create discomfort to varying degrees and may cause other concerns such as foot pain, ingrown toenails, trouble wearing shoes and skin problems.

Once a bunion develops, it cannot be reversed. However, thorough assessment, an appropriate treatment plan, and comprehensive foot care can help to manage the symptoms and slow the progression of the condition. Our experienced Podiatrists are here to treat your bunion and support you towards optimal health.

Bunion Treatment Thornbury
Bunion near Thornbury

What is Bunion Treatment For?

Bunion treatment is used to relieve discomfort, improve functionality, and provide foot care to other areas that may be affected as a result of the bunion. Bunions do not get better on their own, and they typically continue to worsen, so management may have a crucial impact on long-term outcomes.

Bunion treatment aims to:

  • Reduce foot pain
  • Prevent other foot conditions developing, such as flat feet, corns, and calluses
  • Remove the stress attached to finding the right shoes to cater for a foot deformity
  • Prevent the need for bunion surgery

How Bunion Treatment Can Help

Personalised bunion care may assist because it can:

  • Improve the strength and flexibility of the region to improve function and mobility
  • Reduce inflammation and swelling
  • Place the foot into a better position to restore its normal mechanics and alignment
Foot Bunion Treatment

Don’t put up with bunion symptoms when you don’t have to. Seek Podiatry care today!

Bunion Thornbury

Bunion Treatment: How It Works

Your Podiatrist will carry out a thorough assessment of your foot and symptoms and develop a tailored plan. Treatment depends on the severity and symptoms.

Your care plan may involve:

  • Footwear advice
  • Padding or support device
  • Custom orthotics
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Stretches

Treatment aims to realign your foot and relieve the pressure the change in joint position is causing on the soft tissues in your foot.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can seek treatment anytime, but it can be advantageous to visit a professional when:

  • You see the bump developing at the base of your big toe.
  • Pain starts to affect your functionality and mobility.
  • It is difficult to find shoes that fit the changing shape of your foot.
  • Your skin is becoming thick or red at the affected area.

There are some steps you can take that may help slow the progression. These include:

  • Tailored strengthening and flexibility foot exercises.
  • Wearing well-fitted, comfortable, and supportive shoes.
  • Avoiding high heels.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.

You do not need a referral to see one of our Podiatrists for treatment. If you are eligible to make certain financial claims, you may require one from your GP or specialist.

Surgical correction is an option for bunions, but only when the deformity is severe and conservative steps have not helped. A surgeon removes the bunion and realigns the toe, taking the pressure off the surrounding soft tissues and correcting the foot’s position and function.

Why Choose Talaria Podiatrists?

We are proud to support Thornbury residents towards optimal health with issues related to foot and lower limb conditions.

Experienced Podiatry Care
Our team is experienced and passionate and will develop a tailored care plan that suits your needs and goals. 
Old and New Patient Care

We welcome new patients to our clinic and love to see our returning patients, too! We are dedicated to treating all people who need help with their foot and ankle health.

Conveniently Located

We provide care to patients in and near Thornbury. You can find us not far from Thornbury train station.

Receive Comprehensive Podiatry Care For Bunions

If you are dealing with the discomfort of a bunion, you do not need to put up with it. Although it’s not a reversible condition, it is one that can be managed. Please make an appointment with our friendly team for tailored, thorough bunion treatment. We look forward to helping you soon!

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